Opportunities in the Tea and Spice Market

Top 10 Herbs & Spice Statistics for 2021 in the United States


The demand for spices has increased tremendously as more people have been eating at home in recent years and cooking with an interest in healthy eating. In addition, the increased demand for products that are sustainably grown, produced, and distributed makes sustainably produced spices a growing interest internationally.

Sustainable Practice

Herbs and spices are globally produced and exported throughout the world so ensuring the ethical and sustainable practices of these is important. Not ensuring a positive practice behind
the spices has been found to pose a threat to the global supply chain. This leads the
Sustainable Spice Initiative (SSI) group to begin in 2012. What this means for spice companies is that people are now willing to spend more on higher quality and sustainably produced spices and herbs.

Health Benefits

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, more people are looking to find products with plenty of health
benefits. It was found that throughout the time of the pandemic, spices including ginger and garlic increased in popularity as these offer immunity-boosting qualities. Many will prefer to
choose fresh versions of these products, however, the dried spice market has increased to be able to incorporate these spices in many different dishes at home.

Ethnic Cuisines

Over the years, more people have chosen to cook at home and experiment with different ethnic cuisines. With the hit of the Coronavirus, it seems that more people are choosing to test out different cuisines at home rather than choosing to eat these out. New flavors and spices are beginning to enter new countries as recipes are being shared online.


Teas have had an influx of consumption over the recent years as many people turn to them for different reasons. Many look to teas for caffeine alternatives and for an easy way to receive plenty of benefits. All generations across the board have become interested in iced or hot teas, however, what are the opportunities present in the tea market?

Transparency in Tea Trade

Just like spices, more people are willing to spend more money on teas if it means ensuring all parties involved in the tea production and distribution are fairly treated. People are willing to
pay to ensure the tea products purchased are sustainable.

Specialty Teas

More people are now willing to pay for individual servings of high-quality teas that offer an experience. Whether this is delicious prep-packaged drinks from a retailer or specialty tea shops offering high-quality and authentic teas, these individual cups of tea are growing. In addition, more people are wanting to know the information behind the teas, such as the origin of the tea, brewing technique, and the benefits of the tea variety.

Brewing Options

Despite the increase in pre-made drinks from retailers and tea shops, the increase in tea
brewing at home is clear. People have found different ways to brew their favorite types of teas and trendy or high-quality products to help the brewing process has grown. From tea kettles that can be set to specific temperatures depending on the variety of tea, loose-leaf tea makers that can easily capture and dispense your teas, or tea filters to control the preferred amount of
loose-leaf blends, consumers love to invest in these different methods.

Top 10 Tea Statistics for 2021 in the United States

Top 10 Tea Statistics for 2021 in the United States

Teas have been incredibly popular globally for decades, however, they seem to have grown exponentially over the last decade. What are some of the tea trends and statistics that have been seen?

1. 80% of households in the United States have a type of tea at home

2. Ready-to-drink teas have seen a sales increase of 15x since 2004 for an estimated $5.2 billion, particularly for home consumption.

3. Green teas have gained the most traction in recent years compared to any other tea.

4. 87% of millennials drink teas regularly.

5. Southern and Northeast United States have the greatest amount of tea drinkers, however over half of the American population drink tea on any given day.

6. The United States imports 519 million pounds of tea every year and the average
American will consume ½ a pound of tea every year.
7. 1 cup of black tea has about 40mg of caffeine which is equivalent to most caffeinated sodas on the market.

8. About 80% of tea beverages consumed are iced.

9. 1 pound of loose-leaf tea can make about 200 cups of tea, this means the average
American will drink 100 cups of tea every year.

10. 75% of the teas made in the United States are through steeping tea bags